Admission procedure

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We recommend you to read the information regarding the doctoral admission process within the University of Bucharest, available here and that specific for our doctoral school, available here.

Out of the 42 study places, 12 will be subsidized by the Romanian Ministry of Education (of which 6 places with scholarship and 6 without a scholarship), 30 places with a fee and 2 places for non-EU candidates. The subsidized study places are available only for Romanian and EU citizens. For Non-EU citizens, there are available only study places with tuition fee. However, Non-EU citizens are eligible for financial assistance through the Scholarships offered by the Romanian State to foreign citizens through the MFA for which they must prepare a separate application.

In order to be enrolled in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program at ISDS-UB you have to complete four tasks:

1) Contact an ISDS Supervisor in order to agree on a research topic and to prepare a research project

Note: If you are a non-EU candidate, you need to obtain a provision agreement from a potential supervisor in order to obtain the Admission Letter from the Ministry of Education and visa.

2) Prepare and submit your admission file 

NOTE: There are specific documents required depending on the type of candidate (Non-UE, Romania or European citizen). The admissions file will be submitted online and brought to our office (including the original documents for the conformity process) before the admissions colloquium, otherwise you will be disqualified.

3) Participate and pass the Admission Colloquium 

4) Validate you place

In order to meet the necessary deadlines, please access the 2024 the September Admission Calendar.

Eligibility criteria

For admission to a Ph.D. research program, we expect you to hold a Master’s degree in addition to a Bachelor’s degree and proficiency in English (check here the accepted types of English Certificates). You will need to provide information about the higher qualifications you have achieved or which you’re currently studying. You must also show that you have a sufficiently good level of written and spoken English to meet the demands of our academic environment. Please note that meeting academic requirements does not guarantee entry, it is only one of the factors taken into account when selectors make their decision. Other factors, such as relevant work experience and references are also important.

If you are a Romanian citizen but you did your studies in another country, you need to have your studies equivalated the National Center of Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas. For further information, consult the CNRED official webpage.

Special Provisions for Non-EU candidates 

For Non-UE candidates, please take into consideration that after browsing the research topics offered by ISDS-UB and choosing a research topic which fits your scientific interests, you must contact the corresponding potential supervisor (using the email address provided) to ask for his coordination and for an provisional agreement to coordinate your research. All this is necessary in order to obtain the  Acceptance Letter from the Ministry of National Education. As a rule, the request for admission to study at the University of Bucharest has to be sent to our University. Then we will send our approval to the Ministry of Education in Bucharest so that you would receive the Acceptance Letter.

The University of Bucharest will process your file and will send it to the Ministry of National Education for evaluation. It may take up to 30 working days to receive an answer from the Ministry of National Education. You can find more about this process by accessing the Admission for Non-EU Citizens.

Once you obtained the Acceptance Letter from your potential supervisor, you are qualified for the applying procedure, but you are not yet admitted to a Ph.D. program. The final decision about you’re a possible registration in our program is taken after the admission colloquium.

Special provisions for EU, SC and EEA citizens 

According to the Romanian Education Law, citizens of EU, SC and EEA willing to study in Romania are requested to obtain the Certificate of recognition/equivalence of study documents issued by the National Center of Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas. As mentioned above, the same rule applies to Romanian citizens that did their studies abroad.

For more details regarding the recognition process please access: or ( and Admission for EU Citizens

Next step for admission:     Choose a Research Topic