Mind, Language and Cognition

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New: Ph.D. positions in the Mind, Language and Cognition Interdisciplinary Research Training Group

University of Bucharest announces 12 doctoral positions for the September competition at the Mind, Language and Cognition Interdisciplinary Research Training Group (IRTG), at the Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies.

Candidates are expected to choose one of the following fields of study:  biology, computer science, linguistics, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology.

After the successful defence of their thesis, students will obtain the doctoral title in the particular field they have been registered in, as well as a Certificate highlighting their interdisciplinary achievements, inside the IRTG. During their doctoral studies, students will be guided by their supervisor and by a committee including specialists from different fields of study, they will have the opportunity to interact with their colleagues and with the professors who are part of the IRTG and will gain access to research resources.

Romanian and EU citizen may apply for state-funded doctoral positions and scholarships. For non-EU candidates, the study fee is 3,700 Euro/year. Starting with the 2nd semester of the first year, the University of Bucharest will provide merit-based support schemes (partial fee exemptions, scholarships, paid positions in research projects etc.) for the fee-paying doctoral students.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate a strong background in their main field of study and an open view related to scientific problems from other fields.

Prospective candidates are advised to choose their field of study and contact in advance one of the members of the IRTG from the list below as potential supervisor and promoter of their research theme:

Applications deadline: September, 2024

Enrollment: October 1st, 2024

Mind, Language and Cognition

short description of the IRTG

Cognitive Science is defined as the interdisciplinary study of cognition in humans and animals – and lately, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, also in machines. It is based on the fundamental ackowledgement that understanding the mind and understanding the brain are ultimately inseparable, and any pursuit to this effect should combine both these directions and should be interdiscplinary. This is one of the “hottest” gaps in science, addressing core questions of human cognition and consciousness, and these questions cannot be lucidly addressed without efforts from a number of sciences that are traditionally insular and more or less disconnected.

This line of research requires competencies and inputs from various fields: neurobiology can provide an understanding on how neurons communicate and form human neural circuits, cognitive psychology bridges the gap between biological structures and psychological manifestations such as cognitions, behaviors and thoughts, linguistics adds knowledge on how natural language is comprehended and produced, mathematics and computer science model and design artificial systems that recognize and generate new language, by emulating human language, while philosophy wraps it all up, bringing in deep thought and a strong tradition of discussing these aspects of human functioning.

The program will focus on topics such as: natural language processing, artificial learning, machine learning, AI, computational design, language acquisition as a cognitive process, cognitive states and their linguistic expressions, polysemy and cognitive phases, principles of cognitive grammars, behavior modeling & behavior dynamics, group and individual cognitive biases, cognitive flexibility and language, social network modeling, emotion dynamics, social cognition.

The „Mind, Language and Cognition” IRTG provides the rare opportunity for the Ph.D. students to approach complex scientific problems in a multidisciplinary environment, under the guidance of experienced researchers from different disciplines.

Eligibility conditions and other information are available here.

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