Focus on Interdisciplinarity

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The ISDS-UB mission is to stimulate and promote excellence in interdisciplinary research and the internationalization of the doctoral studies at the University of Bucharest.

Interdisciplinarity transcends the Ph.D. program through several rules mentioned in the Regulations of ISDS-UB:

  1. Guidance by a steering committee which includes members from different disciplines

To ensure the formation of interdisciplinary competencies, the doctoral student’s activity, starting with his/her admission to the doctoral studies program and continuing with the advanced and scientific research training program, ending with the public defence of the Ph.D. thesis, is guided by a steering committee. It consists of 3 persons, of which at least two Ph.D. supervisors from different disciplines within the Doctoral School. The steering committee may also include a member of the research team of the doctoral supervisor.

  1. Interdisciplinary program of advanced studies

The Ph.D. stage, extending over three years, includes an interdisciplinary program of advanced studies and research activities, concentrated around modules (thematic research directions) and pole (priority research directions).

  1. Opportunity to do research in different research environments/institutions

As the steering committee includes members from different scientific disciplines and different institutions that that of the supervisor, the Ph.D. student has the opportunity to be involved in research activities in two institutions.

Further information about ISDS-UB: Ph.D. Research Topics