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Tuition fees for  ISDS Students

The academic year 2024-2025




400 RON

Annual tuition fee for Romanian Citizens

12000 RON

Annual tuition fee for Non-EU Students

 3700 euro

For non-EU candidates, the study fees must be paid in advance, for the entire academic year. The account of the University and the fees that each candidate must pay will be written on the letter of acceptance.

Note: The amount of the tuition fee is approved by the University Senate and can be modified, at the beginning of each academic year, depending on the inflation rate, by rounding to 50 lei. The fee will be paid by the student in the first 30 days of the new academic year, in compliance with their student contract. Within a maximum of one working day from the date of payment of the tuition fee, the doctoral student has the obligation to present to the secretariat of ISDS-UB the proof of payment. For the extension period, the PhD student will pay the study fee in the amount decided by the Senate.

Non-payment of the fee, may lead to the PhD student being expelled, as detailed in the student contract. 

The fees can be paid at the university cashier or in one of the following bank account:

1). In RON: 

Trezorerie Sector 5

Account Name: Universitatea din București (University of Bucharest)


Fiscal code: 4505502

2). In EURO:

Banca Comercială Română (B.C.R.)

Address: Sucursala Sector 5, Blvd. Tudor Vladimirescu no 57, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania

Account Name: Universitatea din București (University of Bucharest)

Account Number: RO15RNCB0076010452620135/EURO


Explanation: type of fee, student name, University of Bucharest- Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies, year of study 

Further information about ISDS-UB:        About