Encouraging Performance

In order to support doctoral students, the University of Bucharest has developed the METHODOLOGY REGARDING THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF PERFORMANCE IN THE RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS, which aims to describe the stages that a doctoral student goes through in order to access financial means developed by the University of Bucharest provided to support performance in research activity.

The categories of measures to encourage performance in the research activity of doctoral students are:

a. participation in national and international scientific events;

b. conducting research/documentation/doctoral preparation internships;

c. financial support granted in the case of theses under international co-supervision;

d. carrying out internships abroad for doctoral students enrolled in the Doctorate route


e. supporting the development of doctoral student conferences organized at the University level

from Bucharest;

f. supporting the organization of conferences of doctoral schools and the editing of their publications;

g. ensuring the materials and equipment (by purchase or rental) necessary for the activity

research of doctoral students;

h. financial support for the publication of scientific articles;

The methodology and the applications are available at this link.

A summary form of the methodology, translated into English, with the essential data, can be consulted here.