Doctoral obligations

Respecting scientific, professional and university ethics

  • The doctoral school has the responsibility to inform the doctoral student about the scientific, professional and university ethics, and to verify compliance with it.
  • The Ph.D student commits himself/herself to know and comply with the internal regulations of the University and the legislation in this field. He/she will carry on with his/her studies and research in the spirit of academic honesty and ethics, complying with the academic standards.
  • The Ph.D supervisor has the right to propose disciplinary action for Ph.D students who do not comply with the scientific and ethical norms. He/she will make sure that the materials submitted by the Ph.D student are the fruit of his/her own work, that they are not plagiarised and do not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons. He/she monitors the entire activity of the doctoral student he/she coordinates, according to the tutoring model.
  • The doctoral thesis will be subject to control using a similarity software. When identifying academic fraud, such as plagiarized ideas or formulations, the Doctoral Council proposes the expulsion of the doctoral student and informs the UB Ethics Committee.
  • For further details, please access here the Code of Ethics mandatory at the University of Bucharest.

Student contract

Yearly registration form

  • Second and third year students will submit to the secretariat in the first to weeks of each new academic year, a registration form.

Dissemination of results and the institutional affiliation

  • The PhD student has the duty to publish during the doctoral studies and participate to conferences as a result of his/her work, in accordance to the individual training plan and the standards established by the Doctoral School.
  • The articles published by the PhD student in connection to the subject of the thesis, must acknowledge the institutional affiliation to the University of Bucharest- Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies.
  • The number of publications and conferences participation differs from one field to another. The exact information is provided in the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 5110/2018 accessible here.
  • The student has to met this obligations before submitting his/ her thesis.

Monthly activity report

  • The Ph.D students will prepare a monthly activity report detailing his/ hers activity during the previous month. This report will be submitted to the administrative office in the first two days of the next month. The report has to be signed by the student and by the supervisor.

Yearly progress reports and research reports

Tere are two kinds of reports: 1). yearly progress reports and 2). research reports.

1). Every September, the Doctoral School organizes the presentation of the yearly progress reports. This is a centralized event with the participation of all students and coordinators. The yearly progress report is a narrative text which reports on the learning and research activity of the doctoral student, on accomplishments (various research results, conference presentations, publications), on difficulties encountered and on plans how to continue the research. 

2). Starting with the third semester of the doctoral studies, students are required to present several thematic reports as part of their scientific research program. The presentation of these reports is mandatory before they submit their thesis or before they end of the third year (depending on which one of this moments comes first). For each one they get a specific number of credits and together will about 150 credits.
The coordinator has complete freedom in organizing these reports, with the following mentions:

  • the presentations should be done in front of the steering committee. If one of the members can not be present, she/he will send hers/ his opinion via email and that becomes attachment to the report;
  • one of the following grades will be awarded to the report:  „Foarte bine/ very good”, „Bine/good”, „Satisfăcător/satisfactory” or „Nesatisfăcător/ unsatisfactory”. In the case of a unsatisfactory grade, the report is considered rejected and the student will present a new report improved with the recommendations of the steering committee;
  • before the report, the student will inform by email the Administrative Office of his/ her report presentation with indication of the date, location and hours when the presentation will take place. This information will be made public to the members of the doctoral school, in case others want to assist.
  • after the presentation of the reports, in maximum one week, the student will bring to our office the catalog for the report and a signed copy of your report. The catalogs have to be signed by the coordinator and by all the members of the steering committee (with the exception of those sending their opinions by email).

Change of the title of the thesis

  • The doctoral student has the obligation to notify the secretariat of the doctoral school any change done to the title of the thesis, using the notification provided bellow.

Change of personal data

  • The doctoral student has the obligation to announce the secretariat of the doctoral school any change of personal data (name, address, telephone number, etc.) within 30 calendar days.


  • The amount of the study fee is approved by the University Senate and can be modified, at the beginning of each academic year, according to the inflation rate, by rounding to 50 lei.
  • The study fee will be paid in semester installments, in the first 30 days from the beginning of each semester, through the University’s Cashiers or by bank order. Within a maximum of one working day from the date of payment of the tuition fee, the doctoral student has the obligation to present to the secretariat of the Doctoral School the proof of payment.
  • The failure to pay the fee by the established deadline will lead to the expelling of the tax-paying PhD student, at the proposal of the Doctoral School. If the fee is paid within 30 days from the expelling date, the PhD student will regain his/her student status, with the approval of the Doctoral School. The PhD student who does not pay his/her fee within 30 days from the expelling date, will be removed  from the register.
  • Check here details about the fees.